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Done Deal

Office Sale - Done Deal

Congratulations Phil and Liz on your new purchase, we look forward to seeing your dream become a reality and all of the lives you will positively change!

The QA Team represented a buyer in the purchase of a 10,990 sf building located at 2177 NE Coachman Road. Our team not only negotiated the real estate, but also a business. We helped the buyer to understand and value the current operating business located on site.

The property is currently a child day care and VPK facility, and the new owners will work to solidify and grow that business while simultaneously opening their own school for children with Autism.

Having raised a child with Autism, the new owners have long dealt with the limited resources available in Pinellas County for children with disabilities. They sought to change that and bring some relief to parents and families who have struggled to provide the proper environment for their children. Starting in January of 2020, that will no longer be an issue. Their new school will officially launch and provide these families with a place for their children. They will learn under a specific curriculum, all the while, surrounded by a team of licensed professionals.

Be on the lookout for an update with further information as the school comes together. Let us know if you would like to help out and we would gladly connect you.

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